25 English words you pronounce incorrectly

by - Januari 21, 2017

These 25 words are commonly pronounced incorrectly nowadays. If you want to pronounce correctly, I recommend to learn by dictionary. Before you speak, check how to pronounce it at the dictionary. Because so many people tend to pronounce by hearing from how other people say, they don’t know whether it’s right or not. When you check the words at the dictionary, you will find some symbols –the IPA (international Phonetic Alphabet)- it helps you to pronounce correctly.
  1. Fruit (fruːt)
They are not 2 syllabels there, not “fru-it”. We actually pronounce this word “frut”.
  1. Debris (ˈdeɪbriː)
When you find pieces, maybe it is from earthquake or a building collapse, then you find debris. We say it “dei-bri” not “dei-bris”.
  1. Almond (ˈɑːmənd)
Many people tend to pronounce “almond” that is incorrect. The correct is “ah-mund”, so the L is silent.
  1. Salmon (ˈsæmən)
Incorrect pronounciation is “sal-mon”, correct pronounciation is “sa-mon”. The L is silent.
  1. Pizza (ˈpiːtsə)
I hear people say it “pitza” or “piza” so this all is incorrect. The correct way to pronounce is “peet-zha”.
  1. Vegetable (ˈvɛʤtəbl)
Not “ve-ge-ta-ble” but “vedjtable”, 3 syllables.
  1. Wednesday (ˈwɛnzdeɪ)
Not “wed-nes-day” but “wenz-dei”.
  1. Comfortable (ˈkʌmftəbl)
So many people pronounce this incorrectly, so they say every syllable “com-for-ta-ble”, but really it is “kamftble”.  So it is not 4 syllables, but just 3 syllable.
  1. Chaos (ˈkeɪɒs)
So many students actually pronounce this, how they would pronounce it their own language probably the Italian and Spanish more than anything. But we pronounce this not kaos, not kayos, but keios.
  1. Sour (ˈsaʊə)
It doesn’t pronounce “so-ur” or “soor”, but “sowe(r)”.
  1. Espresso (ɛˈsprɛsəʊ)
Common mispronunciation is “expresso”, correct pronunciation is “espresso”
  1. Coupon (ˈkuːpɒn)
People tend to pronounce this “ku-pen”, but it is actually “cu-pawn”.
  1. February (ˈfɛbrʊəri)
Common mispronunciation are “feb-yoo-ary” and “feb-ree” but correct pronunciation is “feb-roo-ary”. A word that is used so much and said incorrectly so often that the correct pronunciation doesn’t even sound right. Who knows a simple calendar month could be so tricky.
  1. Foliage (ˈfəʊlɪɪʤ)
Common mispronunciation is “foil-uj” correct pronnounciation is “fo-li-uj”.
  1. Sword (sɔːd)
Common mispronunciation is “sw-ord”, correct pronunciation is “sord”
  1. Asthma (ˈæsmə)
Well, it is not “ast-ma”, it is “as-ma”. When you look at the dictionary and see the symbols, we say “as-ma” and the a in “as” our tongue is flat.
  1. Queue (kjuː)
Now, I remember learning to spell this word when I was in Junior High School and thinking “wow.. that’s too crazy spelling, because it’s so different to the pronunciation.” Now, I have heard all different pronunciation for this word, I heard queue, I heard quiui. But really, we just say “kiu”, one syllable.
  1. Jewelry (ˈʤuːəleri)
Common mispronunciation is “jew-el-ry”, correct pronunciation is “jew-el-er-y”
  1. Crisps (krɪsps)
I hear the people say “krips” or sometimes “kreps”. The correct ones is “krisps” , for some people it is hard to say “esps” sound. You need to practice.
  1. Recipe (ˈrɛsɪpi)
If you like cooking, then you shouldn’t see this word before. Might people say resip or resep. But it should be “resepi”, so it is three syllables.
  1. Mischevous
Common mispronunciation is “mis-chee-vee-us”, the correct way is “mis-chi-vus”. Many people pronounce this word “mis-chee-vee-us” instead of “mis-che-vus”  and somehow that  adds  extra emphasizes to its meaning. It because of more popular words like previous and the general lack of words ending with VOUS, that we feel need  to add the extra sound. The Oxford English Dictionary believes this word has been mispronounce since the 1500.
  1. Chocolate (ˈʧɒkəlɪt)
Very important word, if you don’t know this word, then you are crazy. I hear so many people are saying “cokoleit”, “coko-coko”. But, actually it’s “tcaklet”, so that is just two syllables.
  1. Tuesday (ˈtjuːzdeɪ)
It is important to pronounce this correctly, I always hear “tu-es-day”, when in reality it is “chus-dei”
  1. Dengue (ˈdɛŋgi)
Well, the correct pronunciation is “den-gee”, not den-gu or den-gyu.
  1. Plumber (ˈplʌmə)
It is plame(r), not plambe(r). So here the “b” is silent. Plumber is a person whose job is to fit and repair things such as water pipes, toilets, etc.

So that’s it for the pronunciation lesson. I really hope it helps you and hopefully you can now pronounce these words more confidently, you will need to repeat and practice again again and again, but that’s part of learning language. So, get started now!

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