12 bad habits you should break to be more productive
1. Impulsive web browsing
It’s easy to get sidetracted looking up the
answers to random questions as you think of them. instead, write down your
questions and look them up when you’re not working.
2. Multitasking
Scientific research found that only 2% of
the population is capable of effectively multitasking. The rest of us should
focus on one task at a time.
3. Actively checking email
Each time you check email you lose up to 25
minutes of work time. Try restricting email checking to a few times a day.
4. Moral licensing
Cheating as a reward for sticking with a
new habit undermines a lot of people’s plans for self-improvement. Make your
goal a part of your identity.
5. Putting off your most important woek until
later in the day.
People have a limited amount of willpower,
and it decreases throughout the day, so it’s best to get your hardest, most
important tasks done at the beggining at the day.
6. Taking too many meetings
Nothing disrupts the flow of productivity
like an unnecessary meeting. Don’t accpt an invitation unless there’s a clear
agenda and time limit.
7. Sitting all day
The longer we sit, the less alert we
become. Try walking and talking 20 to 30 miles a week to dry fresh thinking.
8. Hitting the snooze button
The battle with your alarm clock doesn’t
give your body any extra restorative sleep, and it drains your finite supply of
willpower that you need to ger trough the rest of the day.
9. Falling to prioritize
Having to many goals can be extremely
unproductive. Pick the things hat are most important; ignore the rest.
10. Over-planning
Melticulously planning every hour or the
day doesn’t allow fo the unexpected to happen, which can throw a wrench into
the entire day. Instead, pkan for five hours or real work daily.
11. Under-planning
It’s better to determine what you want your
outcome to be and lay out a series of steps to ger there, than to try to come
up with your endgame midway through a project.
12. Using your phone in bed
Smartphone LED screens give off blue light,
which can suppress production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the
sleep cycle and makes up happier.
Source: @SirJimmy telegram channel
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