Watch out! Those factors can make you unmotivated

by - Januari 29, 2017
Sometimes there are things which make our cheers down. Be careful when it happens, not only  it will influence to your productivity but also it kills your valuable days. Keep your self motivated is not as a piece of cake. Sometimes you get your self on top of the world, but it is easy to get your self bummed out. Below are factors which make  you unmotivated and the problem-solving.

1.       You don’t know why you do something
You can easily choose your goals as what you like, running toward something that you are passionate about. But if you have not gotten clear on why it is important to you, it can easily to forget  and sometimes makes you unmotivated. You will get your self questioning  is it trully the right path for you. To handle such thing, take some time to be alone, thinking more deeply,  what is something that is matters to you. The goals and project may change, the expressions of your purpose may shift, but in your heart is the same theme.  Ask your self what your life want to be about, what-why-how is perfect questions to match up your heart with your theme.

2.       Tired
You have decided what you want to be in the future, you know your potential, you know why you do that things and you have strong desire on it. you work hard through trial and error. It is good, but when you are tired, you will get your self down and it makes you think negatively which can causes you think “I can’t finish this project”. Hard work is important but when you do it with no rest, your body can’t deny if it is too hard to be done soon.
You need a rest, take time off from work! It has 6 health benefits; you’ll reset your mentally, you’ll feel way more productive when you return, you’ll gain a better work/life balance, you will realize you need to stop taking work home, you’ll rekindle your relationship, and you’ll reset your focus. Those will make your motivation back. Well, you can take a break and recharge your batteries because that is sometimes simply what is needed.

3.       Low in confidence of your potential
  “I can’t do this!”, “I am such an idiot person!”, “I am stupid!”
I am sure that you ever said such unfair words to yourself. Stop it! it never makes the condition even better. When you talk to yourself it is called “self talk”. Dialogues in yourself always tell you about everything. Even when you lost in a daydream, many self talk appear. Taking example, “if my life were...”, “how could it happen?”, “ah.. I know..”, and so on. Based on research, we have 50.000-60.000 self talk a day, and almost 50 percent are negative things.  “I can’t”, “this life is hard”, “I am stupid”, and more negative self talk.

Self talk will produce image of yourself. If we have positive self talk, our life will be more beautiful, comfortable, much cheers, and everything we do will feel easier. vice versa, if we have negative self talk, our life will feel so hard, we feel that our limited potency, we will always weak because negative self talk takes all our energy from us. Positive self talk will give additional energy to us.

Self talk can’t changed to 100 percent positive. If it could be changed, there would be the risk or danger. You could not see the negative things which is indeed in yourself. Taking example, you always say that you are health, the fact is there is a problem with your heart that you never check it to the doctor. It will make your heart’s condition worse. It is different when you know that  your heart really have problem, then you try to recover your heart by talking to your self positively. It much helps.

Negative self talk can be decreased by increasing positive self talk. I have tips to help you to increase your positive self talk. I ask you to do this every morning when you open your eyes after sleeping and you not out of bed yet. Try to tell your self, “today I am health, much cheers, happy, and lucky”. Try to feel and take a look to your self that day. Do such thing for days ahead.

So, when other people say negative things about your self, it is not fully influencing as long as you have strong belief in your self, Insha Allah all negative news will not influece you, “when your roots are deep, there’s no reason to fear the wind”. Every day we hear so many negative news, either mass media  or in our communication to the others. From all types of communications, actually the most important is communicate with ourselves, because we we will talk to ourselves as much as 50.000 times a day.

4.       Excessive perception toward money
You have a big dream, you really know why you want to be it someday. But, you feel unmotivated when you know and realize maybe you are from lower-class family who do not have enough funds to reach your dream. Nowadays, I can’t deny that most people think which money is everything, they might think when people have much money, they have everything, they can reach anything. They might feel money will bring them happiness and eternity even love. No, I don’t think so. It is never been right! Several studies have shown that wealth may be at odds with empathy and compassion. People of lower economic statue were better at reading other’s facial expressions than wealthier people. Wealth can cloud more judgment, wealth has been linked with addiction, wealthy children may be more troubled and so on.

Stop thinking that money is everything! We tend to seek money and power in our pursuit of success (and who doesn’t want to be successful, after all?), but it may be getting in the way of the things that really matter: happiness and love.  There is no direct correlation between income and happiness. After a certain level of income that can take care of basic needs and relieve strain, wealth makes hardly any difference to overall well-being and happiness and, if anything , only harms well-being: extremely affluent people actually suffer from higher rates of depression.  Some data has suggested money itself doesn’t lead to dissatisfaction – instead, it’s the ceaseless striving for wealt and material possesions that may lead to unhappiness. Materialistic values have ever been linked with lower relationship satisfaction.

One thing that can make you feel better, it’s gratitude. “Be grateful, Insha Allah can make things more beautiful, more fairly and more satisfying.”

5.       Something wrong with your relationship
Relationship, yep that is right. Have you ever stuck in a problem with your friend, family, neighbour, or even girl/boyfriend? Hmmm... we are social  human, we need to talk to the others, we help each other, and we live with others. we can’t live without them,  our process in living our life will be blocked if our relation to our beloved people is blocked. When your connection to someone who always motivates you, inspires you, always rises you up and be there when you need a hand is disturbed, your prodictivity process is also blocked. Because when we fall and down, no one helps us to go through the sorrow and there is possibility it will make you in a down state much longer than you face it together with someone. The first thing we need to fix is “our communication with them”, don’t be shy to say these words “sorry, thank you, and help”. When your communication to them is getting spaced, try to say hi first, you can start with “hi! How are you?” although it seems so hard to do. When conversation is getting bigger, then ask to them that have you done something wrong , build a warm conversation, don’t be shy to beg their pardon although you feel you did not make any mistakes, sometimes we do not see our mistakes in ourselves. 80% of people remain quiet even when they really want to say something in order to avoid an argument with someone they care about. Sometimes the word “sorry” is used to avoid  arguments, so when you want to have a good relationship with people you love, build a good communication.

Overall, when you have so many tasks to do, don’t think too much, just keep on going because you live in the earth where  time is spinning. Just get started and let the motivation catch up with you!

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