
Ways to lose Hiccough (hiccup)

by - Mei 26, 2017


Hiccough is disruption. We can’t do our activities such as eat, breath, and talk normally when we’ve got hiccups. What do you do when you’ve got hiccups? I thought when someone had hiccups you gave them a big shock. Boo! Some people would say that a glass of water is a bit better. There are lots of way though.
Some people will do the same thing, but we have got a simple quicker new way to lose hiccups as well. What are they? Well, we’ll use water to drink but the difference is the way we drink. We have two ways, Curious? Check these out!

The first steps:
First, get a glass of mineral water.
Second, drink it but don’t swallow it. keep the water in your mouth.
Third, bend over your body or bow your body to ninety degrees.
Fourth, swallow the water in your mouth slowly with the “bow posture”.
Fifth, repeat these steps until the water in your glass run out.

The second steps:
If the first step is not working, try this one. All you need is just a spoon of sugar.

The simple step is:
First, prepare a teaspoon of sugar.
Second, put the sugar to your mouth, suck it little by little until the sugar run out.

When I got hiccups, I always with the first step, it works for me. So I don’t need to apply the second one, because I don’t like too much sugar.

It’s all for today, thanks for visiting our blog. Hope it helps!

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