Telegram for Language Learning

by - Agustus 09, 2019

Hello Everyone! Englizier is now trying to share knowledge about English in different way, more than just a blog! We've already told you that we've got a youtube channel, and this time, we're very glad to announce that we've just got a new channel on TELEGRAM! Just type @englizier in the search box on Telegram. You can join our group on Telegram too, so you are able to ask questions directly or to discuss something or even invite your friends there. Just join the channel, and click "discuss" button, you'll be directly forwarded to the group or you can type "@engliziergroup" on the search box.

This one unique app is like a chat room but more than that. It's like a blog in a chat room with lots and lots of great features.

We've considered Telegram as one of our media for sharing because it has many functions, and we think it is suitable for language learning.

Why is it a good medium for language learning? Let's find out!

     1. Instant upload and download files in any format (e-books, video, movies, music,  audio, picture, application, etc). Let's take a look at the following pictures of Telegram:

     2. Creating poll
We can use the poll for making quiz, options, and others.

     3. Giving feedback
Learners can leave comments and add reactions.

     4. Sharing links or URLs
We can connect our blog and youtube links to our telegram channel.

     5. Creating group:
We can talk to all members of the group, so the studying process is under control. We've only got two members so far, since our channel is still new. We can search photos on Telegram by typing @bing then type what photos you want to share.

     6. Other features just like a chatroom
Emojis, stickers, GIFs, and everything are just the same.

     7. Bot
Only Telegram that has this feature. You can ask bot about the channel and other things.

What do you think? To know more about us on Telegram, please join our channel at @englizier.

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