
Subjects yang memerlukan singular verbs (subject-verb agreement)

by - Maret 17, 2019

Subjects dibawah ini selalu memerlukan singular verbs (is, was, has/eats, reads, drinks) walaupun beberapa subjects memiliki makna jamak, tetap saja diikuti oleh singular verbs:

Everyone, everybody, everything
Someone, somebody, something
Anyone, anybody, anything                    
No-one, nobody, nothing
Each, either, neither

      1.       Everyone is here.
      2.       Neither of these books is very new.
      3.       Everything in the house was destroyed by the fire.
      4.       Every man, woman, and child was given a free ticket.
      5.       Each student and teacher has a locker.
      6.       It was the dogs which awakened me.
      7.       It is his grades that worry him.

Exercise: Choose the correct verbs.
      1.       Each fruit and vegetable (was/were) originally grown.
      2.       Everyone (have/has) to arrive at 8:30 in the morning.
      3.       It (was/were) the children who broke the windows.
      4.       Everything in the house (is/are) for sale.
      5.       Every student (want/wants) to pass the exam.

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Eitt, gak cuma sampai disini ya. Masih ada yang perlu kamu perhatikan.

Subject either kadang diikuti oleh or, dan neither diikuti oleh nor, maka verb yang dibutuhkan tergantung oleh noun/ pronoun yang terakhir. Jadi, verbnya bisa singular atau plural.

Neither the students nor the teacher is allowed to smoke.
Pembahasan: ada dua noun (students dan teacher), noun terakhir adalah teacher yang berbentuk singular, maka verbnya juga harus singular (is).

Either the teacher or the students have your books.
Pembahasan:ada dua noun (teacher dan students), noun terakhir adalah students yang berbentuk jamak, maka verbnya juga harus jamak (have).

Aturan seperti dua contoh di atas juga berlaku pada not only…but also…. Contohnya:

Not only the nurses but also the doctor is coming soon.

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