
sweet little bee in affair {sad love poem}

by - Maret 14, 2018

roses are blooming in a flaming summer
catching after an attractive bee
they stop by a hideous flower
which is being landed by that bee

everything goes into my head.
they mess up my mind.
haven't they thought of themselves?
from taking another one's heart mate

we built our nest with difficulty
we struggle and fight for it
you struggle to destroy it desperately
seeking a gap between us to beat

for ages we need to fit in
our process is priceless
haven't you thought to give in?
take someone else, be his princess!

You are roses and I am hideous flower
have you got a mirror?
what would you see when you were me?
I know roses are kind of flower, kind of me.

o roses, a great desire for you and me
heart to heart for we are living things
tell the wind to collapse me
tell the stream to drown me
it'd hurt him, would you do such things?

how about neighbour's grass is greener?
may, may your honey sweeter?
would that attract my bee?
I am afraid it would be.

as long as I bloom and buds
my death, my live to my roots
my honey will be enough for my bee
will always be sweet for my little bee

Dedicated to MSH :)

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