Turn to Her, sad love poem

by - Oktober 16, 2017

I was sure in my existence
The feeling that I kept
My soul was ready to fly
Keeping my love worth

At first i believed in us
Done anything, through the harsh
But it was just like the flash
It was transparent as glass

Walked on romance that yet firm
Didn't know I was lost and blind
Thought I had complete the therms
To come and live in your mind

I used to feel so much happiness
Regarded you as my love guide
But, when I saw her as your bless
I thought better back off and hide

My head was full of flowers
My day had turned into heaven
The night sky's been your eyes
All the pain changed sweeten

You are mentioned in my pray
As usual I do, never forgotten
Don't make me as your prey
My love life has just beaten

I love you from the start
I hope I can light your eyes
When you see them, it's star
Reaching out our paradise

I believed
When you said I'm the only one
I believed
When you said I'm all that u want
It heard so pleasant

I couldn't feel any gravity
You made me fly high and high
You sang love song beautifully
I knew that it was not a lie

But now I learn what it is misery
When I fall and knock the floor
I find myself lost and crazy
I realize I am still at the door

You thaught me how to fly
Forgot thaught how to crash
I should learn individually
for those that has smashed

It is hard to see you sad
It really breaks my heart
I will do anything for you
To get you out of the blue

Something you've to know
I cannot share you anyway
When you go tomorrow
I've to sincere you anyday

Everybody has their past
And so have you
I haven't any right
Musn't keep you

I realize I don't deserve
She comes again in your life
I know I was your reserve
I'm something out of the line

When you talk about her
It lights your eyes
I know she is better
see me from the heights

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