Macam-macam singkatan dalam bahasa inggris dan kapan penggunaannya (contractions)
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Banyak orang yang belum tahu beberapa contractions karena bentuknya yang sangat berbeda, seperti won’t, shan’t dan lainnya. Lalu kenapa contraction itu digunakan? Padahal ada
kalimat yang tidak menggunakan
Yuk temukan jawabannya bersama Englizier, disini!
Apa itu contraction?
Contraction adalah mengkombinasikan pronoun/noun
dan verb,
atau verb
dan not
dalam bentuk yang lebih singkat (pendek). Lebih singkatnya, menyingkat dua kata
menjadi lebih pendek. Seperti I will menjadi I’ll, dan lainnya.
Adapun macam-macam contractions,
Contractions dengan pronoun
(I, you, we, they, she, he, it)
- 'm (am)= I'm (I am)
- 're (are)= you're (you are), we're (we are), they're (they are)
- 's (has dan is)= he's (he is atau he has), she's (she is atau she has), it's (it is atau it has)
- 've (have)= you've (you have), we've (we have), they've (they have)
- 'll (will)= I'll (I will), you'll (you will), she'll (she will), he'll (he will), it'll (it will), we'll (we will), they'll (they will)
- 'd (had dan would)= I'd (I had atau I would), you'd (you had atau you would), he'd (he would atau he had), it'd (it would atau it had), they'd (they would atau they had), we'd (we had atau we would). Lalu bagaimana cara mengetahuinya? yuk klik disini.
Contractions dengan auxiliary
verb dan not
- not= n't
- aren't= are not
- can't= cannot
- couldn't= could not
- didn't= did not
- hasn't= has not
- haven't= have not
- didn't= did not
- isn't= is not
- mustn't= must not
- shan't= shall not
- shouldn't= should not
- wasn't= was not
- weren't= were not
- won't= will not
- wouldn't= would not
- don't= do not
- doesn't= does not
Contractions lainnya:
Contractions setelah
(kata benda)
- my sister's got married= my sister has got married
Contractions setelah nama
- Sulhan'll be very happy= sulhan will be very happy
- Britain's got talent= Britain has got talent
Contractions setelah here,
there, now
- here's the tea= here is the tea
- there's your book= there is your book
- now's our chance= now is our chance
Contractions setelah question
- what's happened?= what has happened?
Adapun let’s.
Let’s bukan kependekan dari let is atau let has. Namun, kependekan dari
Kapan dan mengapa
menggunakan contractions?
Contractions digunakan dalam keadaan informal (tidak resmi). Seperti
dalam percakapan sehari-hari (everyday
speech). Contohnya: I’m tired, she’s eating, he’ll be back.
Maupun dalam
bentuk kalimat negative sehari-hari. Contohnya:
Q: “have you finished
A: “no, I haven’t”
Pada kalimat negative sehari-hari boleh juga tidak di
singkat seperti; no, I have not. Namun, memberi kesan lebih aggresive dan penekanan (emphasis) dalam penggunaannya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan yes, I’ve saja?
Hindarilah penggunaan
contractions pada kalimat positive yang tidak memiliki informasi
ekstra di dalamnya, seperti; yes, I’ve atau yes, I’d dan sebagainya.
Sebaiknya tambahkan informasi barulah boleh di singkat. Contoh:
Zahroh: “have you finished work?”
Aisyah: “yes, I’ve
Sulhan: “would you like to go out for dinner with
Syilvi: “yes, I’d
love to”
Semoga bermanfaat.
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