
​Loving you unconditionally, Love Poem

by - Maret 09, 2017

"I wrote this long time ago, when my jealousy seems as a burning fire. As time went by, I chose to believe in you"

Everyday "I love You" you said
I dont see any sincere in your eyes
Don't tell me when it is not right
You know, it shows me more lies

Everyday you said you miss me
Everyday I always face the lies
Is it time to Get down on my knee?
Your hand please, it would be nice

When we spend time together
I feel that you're thinking of her
say that you don't need another, whatever
I'm susceptible, so say it smoother

I will get my ears as hot as Fire
It is better than pile lies up
I tell you, It's not good to be a liar
Give me a hand, help me to get up

Maybe you can deny that fact
But it is hurt to see you just act
Now all seems just the same
It is when you said her name
It is when you tell about aim
I think I am stuck in a game
But I forget from where I came

I Shouldn't have come to your life
It means that I take my own knife
I am hurt and hurting everyday
I'm afraid that I can't tell you why

Oh, My dearest darling!
I love you, and it is real
I always want you near
I hope that you hear
And I want you Here

But when you aren't happy
To live with a harpy
You can leave me slowly
And Stay with her happily

No, I don't say it seriously!
Because I love you unconditionally

I am telling you now, I am not perfect
But I am trying to give a good effect
Need your help by giving me your affect
It would be really helping to my project

It is when You can accept me by heart sincerely
It is when you stop saying her name continuously
We can start a brand new day happily
Just by taking stunningly serendipity

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